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Terms of Use

Warranty / Liability

The inoxstores company guarantees the good quality of its products.All products sold on the website are free from any legal or factual defect. Products that may be modified, repaired, installed or added by the purchaser are excluded from this warranty. The warranty does not apply to worn or damaged products resulting from shipment or due to improper and improper use. The guarantee is provided for a limited period of time which is stated in the detailed characteristics of the product. After the end of this period, the repair or replacement of the products is possible at an additional charge following a new agreement with the customer.

Liability-Legal capacity
Prior to placing the order, the buyer declares that he has the full legal capacity that allows him to contract in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions of Sale. The inoxstores company can not take any responsibility regarding the verification of the legal capacity of its visitors or buyers. Consequently, if a person does not have the legal capacity to order products from the Inoxstores Company Website, his legal assistants (parents, guardians) will take responsibility for this order and especially its repayment.

Limitation of Liability
The company Inoxstores is not responsible for any loss or delay, if the non-compliance with its obligations is due to events of force majeure, ie events that do not fall within the will and control of the company Inoxstores and could not be predicted, as defined from Greek legislation.
The information provided by this website is provided as is and without warranties of any kind, express or implied, in particular as to its accuracy, completeness or timeliness, non-infringement, availability, reliability of the information they provide; the products, accessories or services that appear on the cuber Website or the suitability of the applications that the buyer assumes. The company Inoxstores can not be held responsible for the products that will be sold through its Website especially in the event that there is no compliance with their instructions for use. The liability of Inoxstores company will not apply to claims made by the buyer or a third party incompatible with the terms of compliance.

Partial validity / Waiver
In the event that one or more of these General Terms is in any way in whole or in part invalid under applicable law, then the affected terms or parts thereof are not valid as an integral part of the contract and the remaining terms are normally valid between the parties.
These General Terms and Conditions are deemed essential by the parties, and they accept their faithful observance and waive their right to challenge any of them.

All content of the website, posted on www.inoxstores.com, including images, graphics, photographs, drawings, texts, services and products are the intellectual property of www.inoxstores.com, and are protected under the relevant provisions of Greek law, of European law and international conventions. Any copying, analogue-digital recording and mechanical reproduction, distribution, transfer, downloading, processing, resale, creation of productive work or misleading the public about the real provider of the content of the websites is prohibited. Any reproduction, republishing, uploading, announcement, dissemination or transmission or any other use of the content in any way or means for commercial or other purposes is permitted only with the prior written permission of www.inoxstores.com, or any other legal owner of the above copyrights .The names, images, logos and insignia that represent www.inoxstores.com, or third parties contracted with them as well as their products or services, are exclusive trademarks and insignia of www.inoxstores.com, or of the above third parties and are protected by Greek, EU and international laws on trademarks and industrial and intellectual property and unfair competition. their right of use.

Jurisdiction of courts:
Only the courts of Athens are competent for the resolution of disputes in the transaction that takes place between www.inoxstores.com, and of the respective buyer, and the legislation of Greece is in force.

Applicable Law:
All transactions you make through www.inoxstores.com, are governed by International and European law governing matters relating to e-commerce as well as the Law on Consumer Protection governing matters relating to distance selling (N. 2251/1994 - L. 2472/1997 - L. 3471/2006).