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Cookies Policy

"Cookies" are small pieces of text files, which are stored in the user's browser when he visits a website. The information stored on the User's computer may contain information such as which pages the User has visited, the date and time of the visit as well as a random and unique User ID number. In no case do Cookies contain personal information or information, which will allow anyone to communicate with the visitor of the website, by phone, e-mail, etc. Additionally, using Cookies does not access your computer documents or files.

With this type of use, the site is able to store useful information for the User's browsing the site, as well as to read this information to offer the User a unified browsing experience.

In addition, Cookies help us to see the performance and traffic of our website, improving its presentation and content, according to the preferences of our visitors.

We use Cookies on our Websites to manage logins, provide personalized websites and customize advertising and other content to reflect your particular needs and interests. Cookies can also be used to compile anonymous, aggregate statistics that allow us to understand how the public uses our Websites and help to improve its structure and content. We can not verify your personal identity from this information. You can modify your browser settings to reject some or all of the Cookies, except as absolutely necessary. Be aware that some features are only available through the use of Cookies and if you choose to opt out of these Cookies, these features may not be available.

At this point we consider it appropriate to inform you about the type of Cookies used by our website.

 Necessary Cookies:

The necessary cookies allow you to browse the website and use its services and features. Without these absolutely necessary cookies, the website will not function as smoothly as we would like for you and we may not be able to provide the services or features of the website.

Analytics Cookies:

These Cookies collect information about the use of the website and allow us to improve the way it works. For example, they show us which pages are the most visited on the site, help us identify any difficulties you may have while using the site, and show us whether our ads are effective or not. This allows us to see the general patterns of use of the site and not to follow the pattern of an individual. We use this information to analyze site traffic, but we do not review this information to identify individual users.

It is at your discretion to revoke, whenever you wish, your consent or to oppose the use of Cookies on your computer or device, to check and / or delete the Cookies.