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{{ cartTotalQuantity }} PRODUCT
{{ cartTotalQuantity }} PRODUCTS
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{{ item.code }}
Barcode {{ item.barcode }}
{{ key }}: {{ value }}
{{ item.total_price }} {{ item.total_discounted_price }}
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Total Amount: {{ order.final_cost }}
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{{ order.total_quantity }}
Privacy Policy

The processing of personal data is done in accordance with the provisions of the General Regulation of Personal Data Protection (FGD 2016/679), any more specific national and European legislation for certain areas, the current Greek legislation for the protection of personal data, as well as for the protection personal data and privacy in the field of electronic communications (Law 3471/2006, as applicable) and the decisions of the Personal Data Protection Authority.

For the simple tour of the visitor to our website and our online store, you will not be asked by the Company for any personal information. However, the Company, while the visitor browses or uses the services offered by our website, collects and processes browsing data through Cookies that relate exclusively to the visitor's shopping habits, which are described as Cookies Policy and we recommend that you read.

The categories of personal data that the Company collects and processes during the visitor's visit to the Website and the Online Store are the following:

we collect the necessary Personal Data, which according to the Law and the Terms of Use and the terms related to the sales policy are deemed necessary in order to complete, execute and send your order. Among them, for example, are the Name and Surname, the Electronic Address (email), the Contact Telephone (mobile and / or landline), the Product Delivery Address (street, city, postal code), the Billing Address of the order and the Press Document you want to issue (Receipt or Invoice). In case you request the issuance of an Invoice, you will be asked for details of your Company such as the Company Name, Tax Identification Number, Tax Office, Activity, Headquarters and Contact Phones (landline and mobile).

we collect your Electronic Address (email) during your registration in the service of our Newsletters (Newsletters), in order to send you newsletters about the Company, its products and services, any offers, etc. The above information that you will disclose to our Company as well as your e-mail address will remain in our database for ten (10) years otherwise until you explicitly request the deletion from the list. You can do this by using the unsubscribe links contained in any of the email newsletters we send you.

we collect and process the Personal Data, such as your Name, Surname, Email, Telephone and the Code of your Order, which you provide to us when you contact our Customer Service, in order to ensure the possibility of contacting you, with the purpose to help you with your current orders as well as to inform you about new products and services.

we collect your Electronic Address (e-mail) and the Personal Password (Password), during your registration as a Member on our website and the opening of an Account, in order to complete your purchases from our online store.

in case you provide us with personal data of third parties (such as Name, Surname, Address, Telephone) (eg cases where you state a different address of sending or invoicing or buying gifts for a Third Party), our company will protect the Personal Data of the Third Party in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Each visitor guarantees for the accuracy and authenticity of the personal data that concern him and which he submits to the website of our company as well as for his right to submit this data.

To complete the sales contract, the visitor has the option either to pay the fee by Visa / Mastercard or through the PayPal service. The card details are entered directly on the Alpha Bank website and for the use of the PayPal service, the visitor is transferred to the website of the service and our company does not keep in the databases any data of the user / visitor card (its number credit / debit card, CCV2, expiration date, etc).

The transfer of Personal Data between the website www.inoxstores.com and your browser is done with 256-bit SSL encryption and is delivered via HTTPS. Your data is stored on our servers in a secure location.


The Company processes your personal data throughout the validity of the respective contract and after its termination or expiration in any way for a period of at least ten (10) years. At the end of this period, the data are kept in accordance with the current institutional framework for the period provided by the termination of the business relationship or for as long as is required to defend the rights of the Company before a Court or other competent Authority.